Plastic Cow Games
Based in Seaham, UK
Release date:
May, 2023
Play Store
Regular Price:
USD | $3.99 / $2.99 |
Retro Soccer is a highly playable godd paced arcade action soccer game inspired by classics from the 90s with a visual upgrade. Compete in classic tournaments from the 86 World Cup to Euro 96 with teams having their own skill level based on FIFA world rankings of the time.
As a huge fan of 90s soccer games I wanted to pay homage to Amiga classics such as Sensible Soccer and Kick Off by creating a well paced slick passing soccer game and a mostly overhead view. The main goal was to recreate the awesome game-play found in those classics and once the name Retro Soccer was decided it also felt fitting be truely retro and choose tournaments from the 80s and 90s era as the predefined tournamanets.
- Friendly Matches.
- Cup Tournaments from 86 - 96 plus custom cups.
- League Tournaments.
- Single player (and couch co-op multiplayer on PC)
- Simple controls.
- Slick Passing, Slide Tackles and diving headers.
- Change tactics and formations.
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About Plastic Cow Games
Plastic Cow Games is a solo developer working on games using Unity and UE4. The dream has always been to use programming skills along with passion for games to create the kind of games we enjoy playing. Because if we don't enjoy them then how can we expect anyone else to?
More information
More information on Plastic Cow Games, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Game Name Credits
Simon Taylor
Business & Development, Plastic Cow Games
Many Assets...
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presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks